The show, Mystical Ecstasy, immerses audiences in the works of 17th-century Ibero-American writers such as Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Ana Caro, María de Zayas, and Santa Teresa de Jesús. The original texts, adapted and translated by Spanish artist Paula Rodríguez, are set to contemporary music by French composer and musician Arthur Astier. This performance highlights the courage of Golden Age female authors in pursuing writing and searching for their voice—an audacious endeavour for women.
On stage, a musician and an actress create an intimate yet electric atmosphere through words, sounds, and emotion. Mystical Ecstasy conveys the profound messages of hope and resilience found in these classical stories and poems. From inception to execution, Mystical Ecstasy embraces Universal Design principles; featuring live narration, a sound visualizer, and subtitles, we ensure an inclusive experience for visually- and hearing-impaired individuals, as well as international audiences.